Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mature BLACK SWANS at Kellogg Bird Sanctuary. Black swans are mostly black feathered with a line of white flight feathers . Cobs (males) are larger than pens( females) with a longer and straighter bill. The bill is bright red, with a pale bar and tip.The neck is long and curves in an "S". Wingspan ; 5 to 6.5 ft. ;Weight 8 to 20 lbs.;Length 40 to 55 inches. Native of Australia. First photo ; swan on land really looks awkward but a beautiful bird. Second photo, swan on water in an aggressive position. This bird charged us, standing on a small walkway bridge for about 20 minutes. It would bite our shoe toes, time after time,swimming away then returning at full swimming speed. Note the neck feathers standing on end.

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